Saturday 6 August 2016

Medusa – Gorgon is one of the oldest and most popular ancient myths. Medusa in Greek mythology is referenced as one of the three Gorgons. Of these three sisters, Medusa was the mortal one. Her other name was Gorgon, meaning "tough glance".

Daughter or the ancient marine deities Phorcys and Ceto, sister of the Gorgons Stheno (means vigor) and Euryale (means far roaming), and sister also of the three Graeae's, Deino (means dread), Enyo (means horror) and Pemphredo (means alarm). In ancient Greece, the image of Medusa was very scary throughout the mythology, but she was not always a monster.

Medusa was a beautiful and charming woman and many men were longing for her. Nevertheless, she was a priestess in the temple of Athena and like all priestesses so she was bound by an eternal oath of chastity. According to a Greek myth, the god Poseidon was captivated by her beauty and wanted to mate with her. He was transformed into a horse and joined with her into the sanctuary of Athena, an act of sacrilege, an abhorrent practice throughout the ancient world.

The goddess enraged by the fact, could not harm Poseidon and so she unleashed her rage on Medusa. Athena transformed her into a hateful monster, which had snakes instead of hair. The ugliness was such that anyone looking at her face immediately turned to stone. In this myth, Medusa was transformed into a kind of monster called Gorgon, a horrible monster. Gorgon was symbolizing the physical embodiment of death. Since then, Medusa is the Gorgon, the mythical figure of death.

Medusa Family Tree

                                                      Phorcys (Medusa Father)
He was the ancient sea-god of the hidden dangers of the deep.

                                                       Ceto (Medusa Mother)
She was the goddess of the dangers of the sea and, more specifically, of sea-monsters, whales and large sharks.
                                                               Medusa Sister
Stheno was the eldest of the Gorgons, vicious female monsters with brass hands, sharp fangs and "hair" made of living venomous snakes. Euryale was the second eldest one of the Gorgons, three vicious sisters with brass hands, sharp fangs, and hair of living, venomous snakes.She and her sister Euryale were both immortal and Medusa was mortal.

Perseus was one of the great heroes of classical mythology. He was the son of Jupiter and Danae, and is best known for his killing of the Gorgon Medusa.

Poseidon is the god of the sea and protector of all aquatic features. Brother of Zeus and Hades, after the overthrow of their father,Cronus, he drew lots with them to share the universe. This is the god who raped Medusa.

Games- God of War Asension

Movies- Medusa
